What are the benefits of Aromatherapy massage?

Many of us already know how relaxing and how wonderful a massage feels but not everyone knows the benefits of massage. Massage affects the body as a whole, not only do the skin and muscles benefit from massage but so do circulation, lymphatic system, nerves, and the internal organs.

The skin benefits from massage because of the increased circulation that is provided during and after the massage. The increased circulation can help the skin become softer, finer, and hydrated. Massage helps to exfoliate dead skin cells encouraging the renewal process. Skin elasticity and strength are helped by maintaining the collagen fibers.

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Circulation is increased during a massage, which helps to bring more nutrients to the area through increased blood flow. With the increased circulation the work on the heart is lessened and the blood-making process is improved.

Muscles benefit also from increased circulation; it helps to flush out any toxins that have settled into the muscle tissue and bring in fresh blood to supply nutrients to the muscles. Muscle tone is improved and mobility can be restored by massage. Muscle pain and soreness are relieved and strains and sprains heal faster with regular massage.

Circulation of the lymph is increased during a massage because the massage movements help to empty the vessels and encourage the natural movement of lymph. This helps to eliminate waste products from the body. Increasing the flow and eliminating the wastes from the lymphatic system it can help to strengthen the immune system.

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The nerves benefit from a massage in two different ways, they may either be soothed or stimulated. When soothed the muscles relax, and some people may even fall asleep from being so relaxed. When the nerves that control glands and internal organs are stimulated it helps to normalize the secretions which are beneficial to the nerves, glands, and internal organs.

Stress is also reduced by massage which most of us can greatly benefit from. Many of us have to deal with so much stress in our lives and with so many physical and mental conditions caused by stress, it’s very beneficial to find a way to lower your stress level.

Mental and physical fatigue is relieved, allowing more awareness to pay attention to proper nutrition, exercise and good health practices. This can help relieve fatigue, increase productivity due to less mental strain, relieve headaches and reduce tension.

What is an Aromatherapy Massage? 10 Most Useful Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy

Massage is a great therapy for the body and mind, it’s a good practice to get in the habit of getting regular massage. I know that not all of us can get a massage as often as we need do to situations in our life but even to take a few minutes every once in a while to rub our shoulders, neck, feet or hands will still give you some of these great benefits.

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