Justin weighs 15 pounds less than Greg weighs. Half of Greg’s weight is 75 pounds less than Justin’s weight. How much does each of them weigh?


Justin weighs 15 pounds less than Greg weighs.

Half of Greg’s weight is 75 pounds less than Justin’s weight.

Let, Justin's weighs be x and Greg's weight be y.

According to the question,

x = y - 15 ------(i)

1/2 y = x - 75 ------(ii)

Substituting the value of x from equation (i) in equation (ii), we get

1/2 y = ( y - 15 ) - 75

1/2 y = y - 15 - 75

1/2 y = y - 90

Multiplying both side by 2, we get

y = 2 y - 180

y - 2 y = - 180

- y = - 180

y = 180

Putting value of y in equation (i), we get

x = 180 - 15 = 165

So, weighs of Justin is 165 pounds and weighs of Greg is 180 pounds.

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