No one likes to study. Okay, maybe there are study-heads among us in society, but they must be few and far between. Studying is much like any other chore: we need to do it, though we may not want to do it. But studying is essential to academic success. Without having the knowledge tucked away freshly in the brain, a student simply will not succeed.
In order to get the most out of study time, a student should follow a few tried-and-true steps that bring success and empower them with the confidence which comes from learning.
Avoid Cramming
A student won’t learn by cramming, only store highlighted information for a short period of time. While that might seem sufficient to get through a quiz or test, it is counterproductive. This is because nearly every subject is taught incrementally, meaning new information presented is based on previous instruction. Cramming only allows for regurgitation but not for understanding. Moreover, the information won’t be there to assist in understanding future material.
Eliminate Distractions
Any place a student goes to study is filled with distractions. Even environments that are designed to be conducive to study like a library have their share of distractions: computers with Internet access, audio/visual entertainment, and people to chat with.
A student should set their cell phone on “silent” or “vibrate” but not turn the device off as emergencies can happen at any time. Any tech devices like tablet computers should be placed out of reach. Turn off televisions and set the radio dial to relaxing music on a low volume. Pure silence might work for some, but the majority of students have a need for background or white noise to stay alert.
Get Comfortable
A back-breaking, butt-numbing chair won’t do anything but have a student concentrating on how to escape the room. Opt for plush chairs, bean bags, or sleeper sofas from FASHION FOR HOME. Beds aren’t recommended because they are too familiar and the temptation to doze off might be too great. And when it is so comfortable it is much easier to learn.
Take Breaks
About every 45 minutes, get up and walk around. Take a 10 to 15-minute break to walk outside or even do a bit of light exercise. But don’t flip on the FASHION FOR HOME couch and watch television or pick up a musical instrument. Anything that requires commitment will cause concentration to be broken. Walking the dog is a great way to get in a break without being over-distracted. Or you withdraw to another place and meditate for example. And of course, sports is always welcome to take a break and recharge your batteries.
Highlight Key Facts
It might be of surprise, but reading is actually counterproductive to learning. This is because the information being studied will eventually begin to seem monotonous and uninteresting. Reading a textbook is akin to reading the dictionary. Using highlighters to illuminate facts and figures will keep the brain going and involved. What’s more, it is an ideal way of separating important information from information that is “filler” text.
Use Flash Cards
Flashcards are one of the best ways to learn. Just like highlighters, they isolate important data from nonessential data. Moreover, they allow a student to change up the order of information whereas, in a book, the information stays on the same page. Flashcards can be shuffled to break up the monotony.
While these tips will allow a student to learn more efficiently, getting plenty of sleep is equally important. The brain will need its downtime after a workout.
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