An Iron Nail is Dipped in the Solution of Copper Sulphate for About 30 Minutes: State the Change in Colour Observed. Give Reasons for the Change.
When an iron nail is immersed in a solution of copper sulphate for approximately 30 minutes, an intriguing chemical reaction occurs, resulting in a noticeable change in color. In this article, we will explore the specific transformation that takes place and delve into the underlying reasons behind this phenomenon. Understanding the chemistry behind the color change will shed light on the fascinating world of chemical reactions and provide insights into the interaction between metals and solutions.
The Experiment: Immersing the Iron Nail in Copper Sulphate Solution
Before we discuss the change in color observed when an iron nail is dipped in the solution of copper sulphate, let's first understand the setup of the experiment. The process involves taking a clean iron nail and immersing it in a container filled with copper sulphate solution. The nail is left in the solution for approximately 30 minutes to allow sufficient time for the chemical reaction to occur. During this period, the iron nail interacts with the copper sulphate solution, leading to an intriguing transformation.
The Change in Colour Observed
The change in color observed when an iron nail is dipped in the solution of copper sulphate for about 30 minutes is remarkable. Initially, the copper sulphate solution is blue in color. However, as the reaction progresses, the solution gradually transforms into a reddish-brown hue. This change in color is indicative of a chemical reaction occurring between the iron nail and the copper sulphate solution.
Similar Question Asked in Other Examination: Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it?
The Chemical Reaction and Reason for the Change
The change in color is a result of a chemical reaction known as a displacement reaction or a single replacement reaction. In this specific case, the iron nail displaces the copper ions present in the copper sulphate solution, leading to the formation of iron(II) sulphate and metallic copper. Let's explore the reaction in detail:
- Iron nail (Fe) + Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) → Iron(II) Sulphate (FeSO4) + Copper (Cu)
During the reaction, the iron nail loses electrons and is oxidized, forming iron(II) ions (Fe2+) and sulphate ions (SO42-). Simultaneously, the copper ions (Cu2+) in the copper sulphate solution gain electrons and are reduced to metallic copper, which precipitates out of the solution. It is this deposition of metallic copper that imparts the reddish-brown color to the solution.
The displacement reaction can be summarized as follows:
Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) → FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
The formation of metallic copper particles in the solution gives rise to the observed color change from blue to reddish-brown.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQ 1: Is the color change immediate, or does it occur gradually over time?
The color change when an iron nail is dipped in the copper sulphate solution occurs gradually over time. Initially, the blue color of the copper sulphate solution may persist. However, as the reaction progresses and the iron displaces the copper ions, the reddish-brown color becomes more prominent.
FAQ 2: Why does the iron nail displace the copper ions in the solution?
The displacement of copper ions by iron occurs because iron is more reactive than copper. In terms of the reactivity series of metals, iron ranks higher than copper. As a result, iron has a greater tendency to undergo oxidation and displace the less reactive copper ions from the solution.
FAQ 3: Can the experiment be conducted with other metals and solutions?
Yes, the displacement reaction observed when an iron nail is dipped in the copper sulphate solution can be replicated with other metals and appropriate solutions. The choice of metal and solution will depend on their reactivity, and the resulting color change will vary accordingly.
FAQ 4: Does the size or shape of the iron nail affect the color change?
The size or shape of the iron nail does not significantly impact the color change. As long as the iron surface is exposed to the copper sulphate solution, the reaction will occur, leading to the displacement of copper ions and the subsequent color change.
FAQ 5: Are there any safety precautions to consider when conducting this experiment?
When conducting the experiment, it is important to follow proper safety precautions. Protective eyewear and gloves should be worn to ensure personal safety. Additionally, proper disposal of the waste solution and adherence to any local regulations regarding chemical handling should be followed.
FAQ 6: What are the applications of this color change phenomenon?
The color change observed when an iron nail is dipped in the copper sulphate solution has various practical applications. It can be used as a visual indicator in educational settings to demonstrate displacement reactions and the reactivity of metals. Additionally, it serves as a model for understanding redox reactions and electron transfer processes.
In conclusion, immersing an iron nail in a solution of copper sulphate for about 30 minutes results in a distinctive change in color. The blue color of the copper sulphate solution gradually transforms into a reddish-brown hue due to a displacement reaction between the iron nail and the copper ions. Through this chemical reaction, iron(II) sulphate is formed, and metallic copper is deposited, giving rise to the observed color change. By understanding the chemical processes behind this transformation, we gain insights into the fascinating interactions between metals and solutions.
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