difference between curd and yogurt

Curd and yogurt are both dairy products made from milk, but they are prepared differently and have some differences in taste and texture. Here are some of the main differences:

Preparation: Curd is made by adding a starter culture to boiled and cooled milk, and allowing it to ferment at room temperature until it thickens. Yogurt is made by adding specific strains of bacteria to milk and heating it until it reaches a specific temperature, and then incubating it at a consistent temperature until it thickens.

Starter culture: The starter culture used for curd is typically made up of a mix of bacteria, while the starter culture for yogurt is typically made up of specific strains of the bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

Fermentation process: Curd is fermented using ambient temperature, which can result in a sour, tangy taste. Yogurt is fermented at a controlled temperature, which results in a milder, creamier taste.

Texture: Curd has a slightly grainy texture, while yogurt is smooth and creamy.

Nutritional content: Yogurt is typically higher in protein and lower in fat than curd.

Usage: Curd is commonly used in Indian and South Asian cuisine as a side dish or ingredient in recipes, while yogurt is a more popular dairy product worldwide, used as a snack or ingredient in recipes.

Examples of curd dishes include raita, lassi, and kadhi. Examples of yogurt dishes include smoothies, parfaits, and dips.


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